Centenary of USA Entering WW1 – Mildred On The Marne

Centenary of USA Entering WW1 – April 2017

Mildred on the Marne. Mildred Aldrich, Front-line Witness 1914-1918
By David Slattery-Christy
“The sun shines, and my heart is high, this is a great day. The Stars and Stripes are flying at my gate, and they are flying all over France.” Declared a delighted Mildred on hearing the news that her beloved homeland was finally entering the war to support the Allies in April 1917. But she added somewhat cautiously after the first rush of excitement: “It is not, I know, today or tomorrow that it will all end; it is not next year, or in many years, that poor Poland’s three mutilated parts can be joined and healed in harmony; and oh! How long is it going to be before all the sorrow and hatred that Germany has brought on the world can either be comforted or forgotten! But at least we are sure now of the course the treatment is going to take…”

(Mildred Aldrich diaries. Mildred on the Marne. Mildred Aldrich Front-line Witness 1914-1918)

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Mildred On The Marne, David Slattery-Christy

Mildred’s house , La Creste, on the hill at Huiry, France. Overlooking the Marne Valley and River.